I Want to Be Your Flamingo.


A smaller-sized bouquet in shades of pink. Every pink lover’s dream. The bouquet is in the same color tones as shown in the picture, but the selection of flowers depends on the season. When the selection of flowers changes, the color tones and composition are kept as close as possible to the product shown in the image. If we have the opportunity, we take your special requests into account. Leave us a message about your preferences in the “Notes for the order” section during the checkout process.

Courier service in Tallinn and the surrounding areas.

Courier delivery is available from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 – 17:00. Store pickup is available from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 – 18:00, and on Saturdays between 11:00 – 16:00. For same-day bouquets, please place your order by noon.